Kristin Riedel Armstrong


Kristin Riedel Armstrong

Kristin Riedel Armstrong is the owner of the Red Barn Family Farm, a little slice of heaven in Kingsbury, TX.  She lives in a 1900’s era farmhouse with her husband and three rambunctious boys.

She believes that anything can be accomplished with a bad-ass western hat, and is one of the excuses she uses for having so many in her “collection.” She loves margaritas and power walking on the farm with her rescue Chug aptly named, Margarita. From the minute that she was found as a rescue, they have never left each other’s side.

All of her work is inspired by the animals and horticulture of the farm. She loves the process of painting and is especially fond of texture and color, which is why she focuses on mixed media layered with oil and wax. She knows when something is “right” when it makes her laugh


Chloe Bates